Don't worry, there's no way that's going in any time soon.  I'm purely
working on the features that Dean has agreed to or suggested atm.


kdf Wrote: 
> me too, and I've love to see something like that. I'd suggest holding 
> off on the feature at that scale until after 6.2, however.
> Dan did already announce a feature hold, and it is probably a good time
> to just work through any kinks in the existing random plugin at the 
> moment. Having the genre prefs slotted into player/server qualifies 
> more as a cleanup at this point.  Creating a whole new playlist type 
> with dynamic functions might be overstepping a bit for now.
> -kdf


The wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible
and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws
but Max stepped into his private boat and waved good-bye
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