bluegaspode;582480 Wrote: 
> But come on. Then one shouldn't run on a NAS anymore.
> This will be a nightmare on any SqueezeBox Device as well, as
> SqueezePlay isn't caching as well (to my knowledge).
SqueezePlay is caching and SqueezePlay is also paging.
It's still a nightmare, I agree, but there are thousands of people out
there who use exactly this.
BTW, the Touch with a big library is a similar case.
> This particular user says it takes 60secs to load the artist list for a
> 12.000 track collection. This is 3x the size of my collection and I wait
> less than a second and I'm only running on a SheevaPlug.
Now that's interesting. 12.000 Tracks is about what I have and I would
regard this a small to medium library.
My albums list takes about 10s to load in SqueezePlug. I agree 60s for
artists (which is faster than albums) sounds too long for that.
But there are people with >100.000 track collections out there. I know
of people who run that kind of library from a ResdyNAS.
> As this is a huge mismatch for me it looks like he runs on a hopeless
> undersized NAS for his collection.
ReadyNAS. ReadyNAS is hopelessly undersized but I bet it's the most
widely used NAS for the Squeezebox.
> Anyway - enough grumbling. 
> As said caching was the next thing to do anyway.
Good choice. I wonder when you will tackle the other big, big issue
SqueezePlay IMHO has (and which makes me use it almost never due to
complete inconvenience). The last one, btw., I think everything else is
about taste, personal preferences and details. ;)


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