mlsstl wrote:
> As a change of pace to this thread, I recently got a Android phone (HTC
> Incredible) and was looking forward to possibly replacing my Duet
> Controller with the phone and Squeeze Commander. 
> I've been pretty accepting of the learning curve for the phone, but I
> find myself strongly preferring the Duet Controller for my three
> Squeeze players. I've pretty much figured out how to do everything
> Squeeze related on the phone that I need to do, but it just doesn't
> seem quite as natural or convenient as with the DC. 
> That surprised me a bit as the general comments seem to lean the other
> way.

My experience is exactly the opposite. I own two controllers and between 
iPad/iPeng and Android/SQ we haven't been using the living room 
controller at all. My SO took to using the iPad to control the audio 
very quickly.

I don't take my phone to bed, so the controller on the night stand is 
still in use.


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