"no hints, no forecasts, no previews."
- Justice Ginsberg 

As she stated during her congressional hearings when nominated for the US
Supreme Court

Patrick Cosson
V-P, Sales & Marketing
Slim Devices, Inc.
415-359-7407 cell
413-638-5248 efax

"Simply put, Slim Devices' Squeezebox2 is the best product in its class.
You're not buying a computer peripheral, but rather a superbly engineered
audiophile component."

Editors¹ Choice | LAPTOP Magazine | September 2005

On 10/9/05 6:04 AM, "Dave D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> patrick Wrote: 
>> Line right up...you don't have wait any longer to purchase a second,
>> third, or even fourth Squeezebox2!
> Patrick, can you give any hints about if this price drop is inspired by
> an upcoming new or additional product offering?  I would be disappointed
> to buy another SB2, only to see an "audiophile" version come out a few
> months later, or a version with integrated amplifier, etc.
> An example of a great company which gives hints about new product
> offerings at the same time as offering sales on existing products is
> AV123 (av123.com).  I recently bought a set of their closeout Rocket
> ELT speakers, even though I knew that they were coming out with a whole
> new line of even better speakers for the budget-minded folks (the
> X-series).  Why didn't I wait for X? I just didn't like the new finish
> offerings, vs. the older speakers.  But at least I had a choice.
> I know that might be a bit radical approach to marketing, but it's very
> effective. AV123 has an extremely loyal customer base, similar to that
> of Slim Devices, who are constantly salivating about product offerings
> which are announced far in advance of availability.  By the time the
> product is available, they've often sold out of the first shipments via
> pre-orders.
> I'm not suggesting a "far in advance" approach in your market of audio
> electronics.  Not even suggesting that you give details of any product
> until it is released (your competitors could be faster than you).
> However, a little hint would be nice, e.g. "yes, we're planning a new
> product release around the holidays which will be geared more toward
> the higher end."  Or if it's just good ol' Slim Devices, making their
> flagship more affordable, you could make that clear, as well.
> Removing the "2" from the SB2's splash screen has us all wondering
> what's going on.
> Thanks, Dave

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