>From what I understand about the App Catalog, purchases are linked to
your Palm profile. As long as the device is using the same profile that
you purchased the app with you can re-download the app without having to
pay again.  However, a profile can only support one device at a time, so
if you replace your phone, make sure you to go to your profile
management page on the web and delete to old device before trying to
sign in with the new one.

For a more definitive answer, you should ask HP/Palm.  App developers
actually have absolutely no control over the app download and purchase
process of the App Catalog.  We just submit the app to HP/Palm and they
handle the rest.  I'm pretty sure that's how it works for the App
catalogs/stores of all the major phone platforms.

Currently I have no plans to develop for Android. I don't own an
Android phone and I don't really have the time either.  Even if I do, I
doubt that there is anyway for me to do a license transfer, unless
HP/Palm and Google decides to allow that.

Please direct further questions about Squeeze Control to the official

Hope this helps.


SqueezeControl for webOS, http://www.angrygoatapps.com
wt0's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=18760
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=78131

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