RichardH;609696 Wrote: 
> I have had squeezeCommander for several weeks now, and love it, but I
> need some help.
> I am running squeeze 7.5.3, have two servers (vortex box and laptop)
> and one receiver.  I want to be able to put away my controller and use
> SqueezeCommander exclusively.
> Right now, if I am playing music using my controller on the Vortex Box,
> the only library I can connect to on the SC is VortexBox.  If I try to
> access the laptop library, I get a message on the SC saying Your player
> was not found, No SqueezeBox is connected to this server.  If I then go
> back to the controller and connect to the laptop library, then on SC I
> can now connect to the laptop, but not the VortexBox.  This also holds
> true for MySqueezeBox.
> How can I switch between these 3 music sources without first doing it
> on the controller?  I have tried turning off the controller to no
> success.
> By the way, I love everything else about the application, and I assume
> there is something I am doing wrong.
> Thanks

You can't connect to a server if no player is connected to it, and you
only see the players connected to the same server.

First move the player to the server you want (long press on players
name), after that it's possible to connect to that server and control
the player


Sorry for my poor english

1 Touch
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SBS 7.5.3 running on QNAP 219p
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