Hi there

I've had a SB setup (Touch, Radio, Boom) for 6-months now. The music
sits on a USB HDD attached to the Touch; I control the whole
shooting-match with Squeezepad. 

Simply put, it has never worked properly. Logitch have offered nothing
useful. The problems seem to be chronic and I'd love more advice before
I pack the whole lot off back to Logitech..!

1) The server fails after about 2 albums, making the whole system
essentially useless. After about 20 songs, I get told the server is
disconnected, and the music stops. This is even when listening to the
Touch, which is wired to the HDD! I bought an external power supply for
the HDD (as suggested by Logitech Support), but this makes no
difference. If I stop and restart the server, it works for a while
again, but not for long. Internet radio has no problems however. What
can I do..? (I don't want buy a £100 NAS drive..!)

2) The Boom now fails to connect over wireless at all. It either fails
encryption (WPA2) or, if this works, it fails to get an IP address. It
always fails at one of these instances. If I hard-wire it to the
router, it downloads new firmware (52), and works fine. Take it off the
router & onto wireless, and it fails again. Strange messages ('Bad
state'..?) also turn up from time to time.
It used to work, but about 6-weeks ago started showing the problems
mentioned. Nothing has changed with my setup at all - it just stopped

I just don't know what's going on and am frustrated the point of
scrapping the whole thing. The router is fine, the HDD works fine for
everything other than the SB setup. Logitech support haven't offered
anything which helps. If you can think of anything, please please let
me know!



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