I've been in the market for a long time for a new alarm clock.

The radio stations I tend to listen to are moving more towards the
Internet rather than direct broadcast.

I'd like to buy a Squeezebox Radio, but it just seems fundamentally
broken/flawed for what I want.

In order of feature importance: I want a reliable alarm clock first and
foremost. I'd be happy to have one that plays BBC World Service via
Internet (without use of a server on a PC). If the Internet is down I'd
like it to stream some other noise or as a last resort buzz loudly to
wake me up. Then I'd like one with a really big snooze button and
auto-dimming display. Then reasonable sound quality. The rest I don't
find that important: not even the 7 day alarm.

I'd be prepared to pay decent money for this product (e.g. price of the
Squeezebox Radio)

Why don't there seem to be any products anywhere that do these simple
things reliably?

I've been looking for ages, and every single review comes back with the
same issues with poor reliability of the alarm function, or no snooze
button, or no Internet radio.

I mean how difficult can it be?

Is there any Squeezebox device out there or planned that can do this.

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