On 10/15/05, CavesOfTQLT
> I've just had another look at my set-up and NickM is right, the web-ui
> and the SB2 show CD1 Track1, CD2 Track1, CD1 Track2, etc. even though
> I've got the disc number tags set as 1 for CD1 and 2 for CD2. It gets
> even worse when you have 3,4 or 5 CD sets when you get lots of
> Track1's, then Track2's, then Track3's all together to go thru. Needs
> fixing without a doubt.
> --
> CavesOfTQLT

I found that you need to set PARTINSET (it sounds like TPOS also
works) - just setting the DISC and DISCC doesn't work.  If it's MP3s
that you're talking about, try setting the PARTINSET to 1/3, 2/3, 3/3
etc, and running the latest 6.2.  That works for me.

I use MP3Tag, and have DISC and DISCC already set in my files.  MP3Tag
allows me to easily set the PARTINSET to %DISC%/%DISCC% with one
click.  If you don't have DISC and DISCC set, but do have directory
names similar to
"artist/album/disc 1/file.mp3" or "artist/album (disc 1 of 2)/file.mp3"
then it's also easy to extract the DISC tag from the filename.

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