paxtonc Wrote: 
> You could buy a skipjam audio and report back on how it goes - seems to
> have everything you're looking for, 

Hrrm?  It doesn't look that different from a Squeezebox in how it
behaves (ie, no internal HD, all music fetched from the network).  That
seems to be what the Original Poster wanted: no need for a noisy PC....
that doesn't eliminate the PC requirement at all.  It offers the same
relief as the SB does in that regard: hide the PC far away from where
you listen to music.

For more money than an SB2... and with no nifty display (how on earth
do you control the thing without the sort of display slim uses? 
Especially nice with SB2 since it's so readable from the couch).

The 'benefits' I see in the skipjam are support for DRM audio files...
and... um... that's it.  Oh: an RF remote which also acts as a cordless
phone.  That could be sort of neato depending on how the blasting and
learning works.  But, then there's plenty of IR-blasting RF remotes...

You lose the display and the open source server (does skipjam support and audioscrobbler? what about the weblogger plugin?  these are
some of the reasons I love the open source nature of SlimServer) and
probably a bunch of other things: those two are such biggies for me
that I wouldn't even consider the skipjam.

That and "you have to run Windows to use this"...  Which still leaves a
PC on, and one with a monitor and keyboard, too.  My SlimServer is an
old P2-400 sitting on the floor in a nook beside my desk... no monitor
or keyboard.  Some day it may move to a closet but I haven't bothered.

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