Mnyb;636170 Wrote: 
> Yea Sonos solution is to use it's own proprietary network, thus freeing
> themself from user errors in network setup, left "only" with the figth
> against nature and other radio sources .
> Reading this forum makes you wonder , same people always get "network
> problems" and new server versions always breaks their install ? I'll
> bet that an upgrade whose only diff where the version numbers would
> also break their installs, some peoples computer environment seems very
> fragile like a house of cards ?

if so, then why is it only slim gear that exhibits difficulties?

in other words, in my exp, i have seen the above, but only with slim,
not apple, not tivo, not other gear.  

the very first problem i had almost instantly with slim, that still
isn't fully solved btw, (but after YEARS has improved to some degree,
including some bug / code fixes made at my urging) was listening to a
shoutcast stream.  slim simply couldn't handle it, going into buffering
mode and so on.  all the pro slimmers, some of which are here in this
thread i think (if not literally, than in spirit), wanted to first
blame my network, the "environment," etc, and when i made clear it was
totally normal, and that i could always ROBUSTLY and RELIABLY stream
the same shoutcast on a wifi laptop with winamp, they actually resorted
to saying that it "wasn't fair" to compare the dinky ip3k slim solution
to that.

not fair?  well, i couldn't disagree more.  first of all, its sold to
people saying you can do that, without even needing a computer! 
secondly, it IS supposed to be able to do that, anything said to the
contrary is nonsense.

my main beef is that in almost all cases when i have problems with slim
stuff that i report, even after years of using it, the reaction from
other users / devs, is to blame me, my setup, etc... and do everything
possible not to blame slim.  the problem is that it almost ALWAYS IS
slim.  and in my case, i feel that an even bigger problem is that none
of the devs live in windows, and so you run up against all kinds of
issues that seem to come from that.  and once you prove it must be
slim, you're lucky if the devs actually do anything about it, which
granted it may not be easy or possible, but communiction on such issues
would be nice.  i have real bugs that they know about that they refuse
to fix, one i can think of goes back to 2008.

having said all that, i am still using it, for now.  but the
marketplace seems to be catching up to them.  i am hopeful with some
things they are doing, like the DLNA, but the lack of resources and so
on is problematic, and waiting on 7.6 has become a joke.  logitech
really needs to step up their game if they expect this stuff to

sb2 & droid (my home) / duet & ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 & xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
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