mlmurray Wrote: 
> I have a SqueezeBox 1, thus when I listen to an *.ogg file it must
> either be converted to wav or mp3 format in order to be played.
> I have quite a few files in ogg format and I have tagged them all using
> vorbisgain to generate the appropriate replaygain tags.  Slimserver
> reads these tags fine in the web interface, but, of course, when sox or
> oggdec decodes them it ignores the replaygain tags so I'm out of luck
> with that.
> I did note that sox has a -v (volume) option, that I think can be set
> using the replaygain value in dB.  I'm wondering if there is a variable
> available to be used in convert.conf for setting the -v option (you
> know, like $FILE$ or $QUALITY$ or $BITRATE$)?  I was hoping for
> something like $GAIN$.
> On a side note, I was using mplayer to decode *.oggs using the
> following line in slimserver-convert.conf:  
> > 
  >   > [mplayer] -novideo -ao pcm:file=/dev/fd/4 $FILE$ 4>&1 1>/dev/null
> > 
> Alas, since I've upgrade Ubuntu linux to Breezy (5.10), this hasn't
> been working.  It looks like only root can write to /dev/fd/4 now and
> the song stops playing just a few (maybe 10) seconds into the song.  I
> wouldn't mind getting this working again, but I'd also like to get
> replaygain support in sox since it is the default program to
> transcode ogg files in slimserver.
> I would appreciate any ideas and guidance.

Replying to my own post...  Okay, it looks like a confluence of changes
conspired to confound me, but I think I've sorted though it.

The changes?

I updated mplayer from 1.0pre6 to 1.0pre7 so, much of the time, I just
had the slimserver-convert.conf line wrong.

I had updated Ubuntu Hoary to Breezy and somehow not all of the perl
modules that I had installed previously came accross, so when I started
slimserver, it asked me to install several, which I did as a regular
user (not root) using the built-in utility (pretty slick, actually).
The fact that they were not installed as root, I think caused the
problem with not being able to write to /dev/fd/4. 

I subsequently installed the afore mentioned perl modules "normally",
throught apt-get.  Once I did this, and got rid of the modules
slimserver had download for me, things started working fine again. 
Well, with one exception.  Apparantly, my distribution's version of (perl 5.8.7) conflicts with the version that comes with
Slimserver, so I had to rename the slimserver version (

I realize most of these problems were brought on through upgrading an
my own meddling, but I thought it important to post the results in case
someone else encounters similar problems and goes searching through
these forums for an answer.

Although, the ability to use the replaygain value from slimserver (6.2)
as a variable in convert.conf, I still think might be useful, if it's
possible.  Is there someplace to look in the documentation for a list
of those variables?

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