Found something in the Advanced menu mentioning an update for SBS Server
on, so downloaded it. When it restarted it prompted me
with a message saying that a new download was available (the same one)!
So I let it carry on and download it again and when it restarted for a
second time I chose 'Favourites'. Couldn't find them so it then
switched to (hooray!) and appeared to connect although
some of the icons were grey squares. Something's gone wrong though as it
just says 'can't connect - failed to parse' if I try to go to
Favourites. The whole thing is behaving as thought it's FUBARed.

Why can't we have the ability to just be able to do all this from the
Squeezebox itself and not have to keep switching libraries? I wonder if
the fact that it sees different things depending on whether it's using
the LAN or the WAN has confused it by downloading updates multiple
times and it has now screwed something up?

Next time I'm going to wait until the Squeezebox prompts me for an
update. It's the only way to keep things working properly.

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