I'm running Slimserver (6.2b2)/Softsqueeze on an old Sony Vaio which is 
supposed to have an 850MHz processor and has 256Mb RAM. Nothing else is 
running on the machine apart from Predixis Music Magic Mixer, Outpost 
firewall, AVG and RAdmin. All the MP3s are on a Buffalo Linkstation.

WinAmp has no problem running on this machine but the output from 
Softsqueeze is constantly breaking up - it's unlistenable. I'm using 
the random mix if that makes any difference.

Looking at resources CPU is constantly running at 100% with javaw.exe 
using as much CPU as it can get and r-server (RAdmin) grabbing 
occasional bits. It seems to be RAdmin grabbing resources that is 
interrupting the playback. I'm somewhat surprised that Softsqueeze 
seems to need more resources than WinAmp.


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