Soulkeeper;653037 Wrote: 
> I second that.
> The fact that converting FLACs to MP3s on the fly while downloading to
> SC makes SBS crash and burn, is probably not something that can be
> fixed in SC: I guess it's some kind of bug in SBS or something. But
> having the FLAC renaming issue solved would be a big plus in my book. 
> I can live with having to play my music as FLACs on my phone. Not being
> able to play anything on my phone, because the FLACs are mis-named...
> that's a bit of a downer.

I've had no crashing when transcoding from flac to mp3 on download.  My
issue is the tags aren't transferred, so it's pretty useless.  But I
think that's more a SBS limitation more than a squeezecommander issue.

Jeff Flowerday
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