garym;665014 Wrote: 
> essentially, download facets and put it in the right foobar directory,
> then you can do all sorts of things with it to make the interface very
> user friendly.  info here:

Apologies - this is off-topic, and indeed off-forum, but is there an
idiots guide to this?  It may be that I'm just too thick to understand
the documentation, but a lot of the instructions don't appear to apply
(eg Add UI just doesn't appear anywhere I can find - Cut and Paste UI
yes, Add no).

I can get the facet window up and configured.  I can completely replace
the playlist window with the facet one.  I cannot, for the life of me,
get both a playlist and facet window showing as you have done.  There
is talk of splitters, but I can't find any way to do so.  What am I


Server on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, 2 CPU, 2GHz, 4GB, FLAC files. Touch
on Ethernet (in another room).  Analogue out over 'a bit of wire' to
ageing Quad Hi-Fi. An old (wireless) laptop controls the server using
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