Well, I've done nearly everything except the Pandora/non-Pandora track
comparison.  I replaced some bad wire, replaced the old SB with a
Touch, replaced the Toslink cable with RCA cables, and switched the
speaker impedance setting on the receiver to 4 ohms (the VA speakers
are 4 ohms).  Now I know some people don't like the 4-ohm idea, but the
receiver was switching to protection mode at modest volumes.  Now it

The high frequency performance is improved, but I still get occasional
distortion.  The issue is likely with Pandora's bit rate, I'm

Thank you very much for your time, everyone who has helped me.  The
results are evident.

One more thing - I met a man locally who builds speakers.  They are
bookshelf speakers, and just beautiful.  The sound is clean,
transparent, and crystalline (he also powers them with Parasound Halo
monoblocks).  He told me that he spent over a year on the crossovers,
which is why they're $3,500 a pair.  My receiver has settings for
speaker crossovers and I have no idea what I should do about that. 
Does anyone?

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