Thanks for the feedback Kvaks and thanks also for giving us a shot.
Yours is the first outside feedback that we have received so it is
particularly valuable.

If you don't mind telling us what features you miss then we would
appreciate it.  In my day-to-day use, Orange Squeeze serves my needs
but certainly I am just one user. I have resisted using
SqueezeCommander, or any of the other apps (including even the free
Logitech app!), because I didn't want to fall into a copy-cat
mentality. So I guess that my request for clarification is somewhat of
a dichotomy.  I'm torn, to be honest. :-)

Anyway, this started out as -- and continues to be -- a learning
process... and that process is not over with 1.0 (or 1.0.1).  Certainly
the price point we chose reflects the fact that we know (well, suspect
that we know) where our app lies in a direct side-by-side comparison.

I do want to make sure that you don't feel that you were misled in our
market description.  Were there features mentioned that you feel were
not in the product?


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