garym;686327 Wrote: 
> I can't speak for him.  But for me, I have about 240,000 or so tracks.
> At the moment, I'm in the midst of a several year reripping program to
> convert all my CDs to FLAC (I won't repeat the details of my sad story
> of carefully ripping all my CDs to 192 mp3 many years ago before I knew
> enough). So for now, my primary library is about 68,000 tracks. 
> But back to the 240,000.  I'm a bit of a collector (I still have my
> first albums from the early 1960s). If I like an artist, I want to have
> everything they ever did. Some of it I may play once and never again.
> But I also like the ability to play about any song of any artist that a
> friend might want to hear. (You're setting on the deck enjoying a beer
> and the friend says, "do you remember that band that Joe's sister dated
> the drummer back in high school that had one album released?" And you
> say, "you mean this one" as you call it up with iPeng on your iphone.
> Stupid or silly I know. And how many of the five or six hundred
> complete grateful dead shows do I *really* need?  The idea for me is
> NOT that I will frequently listen to all this music, but that if I
> *want* to listen to something, I have it.
> Also keep in mind that much of my major collecting was done well before
> anything like spotify, mog, rhapsody, etc. This makes it easy to find
> some songs without owning the CD (although many things I own are not on
> those services). In today's times I might have done things very
> differently. And I have friends that have a lot more CDs than I
> with an entire wing of his home designed and built with
> moveable shelving designed for mass storage of CDs and vinyl.
> Obsessive? yes. But hey, it's their money and their hobby. {and no one
> I'm talking about or me is a professional DJ}
Thanks for the interesting response. I can understand where you're
coming from (although my 6000 song collection is currently kicking my
ass :) ).

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