pjs;692622 Wrote: 
> Just to make sure I'm *not* crazy, I wanted to verify that when I rescan
> with "Find new and changed music" it won't update database entries when
> the metadata changes only.

That's incorrect. It _will_ update the database when only the metadata
changes. If either the file size or the date modified changes, the
scanner will rescan the file and update the database.

> If I'm not crazy, and this is the case, is there a way to scan *just*
> the mp3 metadata?  Or have the Logitech Media Server look at the mp3
> metadata when deciding to update the DB entry without dumping the
> entire DB at the outset?

A 'new & changed' scan does NOT dump the database before starting, but
a full 'clear library and rescan everything' scan does. Scanning 'just'
the metadata isn't an option, since when a file has changed, the server
has no way of knowing whether the metadata has changed, the audio
portion has changed, or both. In any case, if you're worried about scan
time or efficiency, there's little difference. The scanner doesn't
'scan' the audio portion of the file - it only needs to know where it
begins and its length.

A couple things to know:

Normally, you can use the much faster 'new & changed' scan and the
scanner will update the database correctly. But sometimes stale data
can be left behind. You may find it necessary to run a full 'clear and
rescan everything' once in a while.

When there are a _lot_ of files changed or moved or deleted at one time
(say thousands), it can be faster to run a full scan than a new &
changed scan.

Sometimes a new & changed scan won't correctly update album artwork.
I've found this is especially true if you're adding a cover to an album
that previously had none. Often the only way to straighten out the
database is to run a full scan.

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