
this is awesome.  for years i haven't used playlists b/c no one makes an
app that makes playlists the way i want.  the closest thing for me is
"smartviews" in winamp, but thats not perfect or suited really for
specific purposes or occassions.  smartviews are more of a library

as a former radio dj, i have long fantasized over what a perfect
playlist app would be.

erland wrote: 
> Since the playlist management in SBS/LMS is a bit limited and most
> people seems to use external software to manage their playlist it feels
> like there is a need for something better in SBS/LMS.
> So, some questions to people that use saved playlists and would like to
> be easier.
> Try to think about how you like it to work instead of how it works
> today.
> 1. What kind of device would you like to use when creating the playlists
> ?
> - A computer
> - A tablet
> - A smart phone
> - A Logitech Controller, Radio or Touch display
> - A IR remote
> - Something else

i'd use a computer.

erland wrote: 
> 2. How do you decide what should be part of a playlist ?
> - By selecting the individual tracks you want to include
> - By selecting the albums you want to include
> - By selecting the artists you want to include
> - By automatically selecting 100 tracks that matches some search
> criteria (genre, ratings, ...)
> - Something else

i think the app would need to scan the music to catalog it for
manipulation.  this assumes a user already has good tags.

smartviews let me use criteria.  what i would want is basically a graph
paper like grid, kinda like a spread sheet.  on the left would be album
artists, then indented just a tad would be album names, then indented
just a tad more would be track titles.  so like this:

__Ticket to ride
_Abbey Road
__Here comes the Sun
_Candy O
__Dangerous Type

and so on...

then, on the right would be a series of columns, with empty checkboxes. 
one column per named playlist.  so if u have 11 columns, u have 11
playlists.  then, if u put a check in the songtitle row for that column,
the playlist is automatically rewritten to include it, and vice versa. 
if you put it on the album row, all the titles on the album are
included.  and on the albumartists row, all the titles on all albums are
included.  also, a "special" column should exist that if you checked the
row in that column, it adds that to ALL playlists.

in addition, on a per column basis, i should then be able to specify
whatever criteria.  so i could say "any new music in this file path or
subfolder should automatically be checked" or "any new music with this
genre should automatically be checked" etc.

each column would have its own unique color and the playlist names would
be listed in a fixed row at the top (like in excel, so u can see em even
when scrolling) where they bend kind of, like at an angle, think 2
o'clock, to read.

erland wrote: 
> 3. How do you decide which order the tracks should have in the playlist
> ?
> - Random ordered tracks
> - Random ordered albums
> - Drag and drop albums to put them into the right order
> - Drag and drop tracks to put them into the right order
> - Something else

this is not important to me as i would simply load and then randomize my
playlists.  however, if people wanted to play things in a strict order,
then an option in this playlist creating app would be to not overwrite
the order the playlist is in.  that way, i could use this proposed app
to create and select the songs, load them into winamp in AA, album,
track # order, rearrange them in winamp, save in winamp, and then the
proposed app would respect that ordering, but still allow to add or
remove items.

erland wrote: 
> 4. What's the most frustrating limitation with SBS/LMS playlist
> management today ?
> - That it doesn't support relative paths in playlist files which are
> scanned
> - That it's too hard to reorder tracks in existing playlists
> - That it's too hard to create completely new playlists 
> - Something else

i almost always use the SBS random mix functions.  anything else with
server is a joke.

erland wrote: 
> 5. What kind of device would you like to use when modifying existing
> playlists ?
> - A computer
> - A tablet
> - A smart phone
> - A Logitech Controller, Radio or Touch display
> - A IR remote
> - Something else

same computer.  

erland wrote: 
> 6. What kind of modifications do you usually do on already existing
> playlists ?
> - Reorder tracks in the playlist
> - Remove tracks, albums or artists from the playlist
> - Add new tracks, albums or artists to the playlist
> - Something else
> Is there anything else than the above you feel is important to take into
> consideration if anyone would like to improve the playlist management ?

to me, its all about adding or deleting tracks from a playlist, and or
automating a playlist.  i can envision columns where a playlist is made
based on last access date, or rating, or combos of criterias, like
smartviews, but its just automatically done.

a user should be able to dictate if playlists use absolute, or relative
paths.  and differing extensions, like m3u, m3u8, pls, etc...

my guess is u are trying to do something inside server, like a plugin. 
i would suggest your efforts would be a lot more useful if done OUTSIDE
of server, and besides, server could just read the apps output dir. 
meanwhile, users of other apps could benefit!

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