erland wrote: 
> To anyone that currently uses static playlists:
> 1. How many static playlists do you have for your library ?
> 2. Is a static playlist typically something you make, use for a single
> event/party and deletes afterwards ? 
> 3. Is a static playlist typically something you make once and never
> change afterwards ?
> 4. Can you give some examples of static playlists which you currently
> have and use continuously ? (name + when you use them)

1. To date I have about 80 playlists. I made nearly all of them on a
computer (I use J. River Media Jukebox).
2. I create them for several reasons, including social events/parties,
but also for my own personal use (and family members). Some get played
quite often, others only rarely. But I don't delete them.
3. Some are truly static, having become familiar enough to be like
extended "albums" in their own right. These tend to be the shorter ones
(perhaps 15 - 30 tracks), and are reminiscent of mix tapes. Others do
get modified at times by having some new material added, but that's not
real common. More likely, if I want to add new stuff, I'll end up
splitting a playlist or creating a whole new one. 
4. Usually my playlists are mood- or genre-specific, or possibly
seasonal. I give 'em names that are either directly descriptive (e.g.
"Christmas Favorites" or "Mostly Mozart") or that will serve as
mnemonics for me (and family) to indicate what kind of music they
contain. Some names: "Mellow Moods", "Jumpin' & Hoppin'", "Piano Bar
Flies", "Country When It Rocks", "Guitar Goodies", etc. We'll put
playlists on if we have people over, and often put on a long-running one
(150 - 250 tracks) all day on Saturday or Sunday, in sync on players all
around the house, to listen to through the weekend
housework/projects/chores/whatever. A few of the playlists (such as one
called "Working Sunday") were put together using the SB Controller, on a
sort of spur-of-the-moment, by tacking a bunch of albums together and
then randomizing the list, but usually I'm more methodical, and prefer
to choose individual tracks with care, geared toward a very specific
mix. A mix of 100 - 150 tracks might take me an hour to put together,
and I might tinker with it a bit the first time I listen through it, but
after that they usually remain static. Overall, these days, we probably
use playlists for about 20% of our listening. (The rest is perhaps 70%
albums, 5% ad hoc random mixes, and 5% Internet, mainly Pandora and XM.)

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