I rarely hand select my playlists any more. My collection has gotten too
big, and Squeezebox makes it too easy to "discover" tracks I've
forgotten I have. Most often I use MusicIP to generate playlists based
on the "acoustic fingerprint" of one or more "seed" tracks. Kind of like
Apple's "Genius" mixes, but better in my opinion. Then I may tinker with
what MusicIP has created, adding/deleting/re-ordering tracks to fit my
tastes a little better. Unfortunately MusicIP is no longer actively
supported, but there are a lot of users around here who can help. I
found this wiki article essential for getting it up and running with
. Fair warning: it does take MusicIP a long time to analyze all your
tracks the first time.

Beyond that, any music software that can read your music files and write
.m3u format playlists will work. Foobar2000, MediaMonkey, J River Media
Center, Winamp, Songbird, the list goes on. I am not sure if iTunes will
write m3u playlist files, but I think it will. You can also make
playlists using LMS, either through the web interface or through one of
the SB players, although LMS's playlist creation interface is pretty
awkward for most users. There are also 3rd party controller software
solutions, such as iPeng, Squeezepad, etc.

aubuti's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2074
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=95248

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