We need to do a full scan with joins to get the proper counts - as now things
like including composer, etc and various artist albums are dynamic.

There's an optimisation in DBIStore.pm around page 325:
        # Optimize the all case
        if (scalar(keys %findCriteria) == 0) {

I don't know how much this would speed up the count. But it's rarely used as Pages.pm adds the contributor.role to %findCriteria even if it's undefined. The following patch would allow for the optimisation.

Index: D:/eclipse/SVN/Slim/Web/Pages.pm
--- D:/eclipse/SVN/Slim/Web/Pages.pm    (revision 4873)
+++ D:/eclipse/SVN/Slim/Web/Pages.pm    (working copy)
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@

                $find->{'album.compilation'} = 1;

-       } else {
+       } elsif (defined($ds->artistOnlyRoles)) {

                $find->{'contributor.role'} = $ds->artistOnlyRoles;

There's little impact with my test notebook's 500 songs, though...



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