mlsstl wrote: 
> However, the neat thing is that, if I've bothered to back up my music
> collection, it exists completely independent of the player I use. I
> believe one can have a high level of confidence that there will always
> be a way to play my music. [...] I won't be left hanging with a big
> collection and no way to listen to it.

Not so sure.  I've done that, backed the music up, etc.  But, a lot of
mine is .ogg - because SB plays ogg - but most other systems I've
checked don't.  I can see a time coming when those other systems on the
market won't play flac, either, which is another coding I've commonly
used.  Fair enough, if there's no 'demand', in the future, which would
enable the cost of that option to be recovered from hardware

But this does concern me - slightly - if the SB hardware lines were to

Of course, everything could be transcoded to different formats - though
retaining the tags is a bit trickier and would be an issue on a large
collection - but of more concern is that transcoding lossy formats would
result in further degradation.

I too have high confidence - but only as long as the hardware lasts. 
What is the asset life of SB kit?  Maybe 10-12 years, for the box, but
slightly less - judging by some fairly regularly-occurring posts - for
the power-pack.

I don't think we're there, yet, though.  Let's see what develops.

regards, Atlantic

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