"not easy to use"  !? really, you point at songs and they play ? 

The real timesink and learning curve has been ripping and tagging , no
one want's to spend that much time riping 1000's of CD's and tag them
properly nowadays .
This is whats make it non "mass-market" you must be a collector and
music enthusiast with some rudimentary order in your file collection to
have any use for LMS/SBS/SC/SS .

Networking may get in the way too but thats true for any product that
uses your network you can't fix that by dumbing down the product ever .
The Squeezebox experience may be the first time most people try to
communicate between local stuff on their network and that may prove to
be another thing compared to "get on the internet" .

How do we define "mass-market" ? everyone ? then it's online streaming
only , but their must be 100 milloins of people with a bit of music
interest that have personal file collections , squeeboxes reached only
some very small percentage of that market .
I stilll thinks the Squeezebox concept could have been much bigger if
they marketed it better, big enough to be good bussines .

Seems that Logitech aims at "everyone"
No wonder that they turns the table and makes the online stuff prio 1
and local files an afterthought .

"easy to use" is a relative measure , People are happy to learn how to
use their personal computers who are far more complex and confusing than
a squeezebox . A counter example is a Phone if I have to read any
instructions to be able to use one it it's a failure .
So it's not about gains only it is a bit of a mystery .

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