I am looking for advice on a music system for a new yacht which is under
construction.  Most of the time there will only be a few zones being
used but there will be a total of 11 and most of the time the zones will
be connected to the same source but I would like to have the ability for
zones to connect to different streams/sources.  Most of the time the
source will be the local music server but need the ability to stream
from the internet if we have the connectivity (at dock for example).  
Initially I had selected the SB for this as it met all the requirements
but considering the action of Logitech I want to make sure this is the
right move.  The UE won’t work even if they came out with the UE Touch
because it needs to continually talk to the UE server and while there
may be internet via satellite aboard it is expensive and not likely to
be available all the time.  The other option Sonos, won’t work because
it is a power hog and players take forever to boot when a player is
turned on so turning a zone player off to save power isn’t really an
option.   Another option I suppose is the Apple Airport but it doesn’t
allow multiple streams, so I’d only like to consider this as a backup
It will be about 12 months before the system will need to be installed
so I have some time but I’d like to know if should be doing something
now, for example should I be picking up SB’s from EBay as they become

All advice gratefully received.

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