bpa wrote: 
> Sure this faciity has been available on other radio players but we are
> talking about an Squeezebix context
> 1. Functionality is similar axcross all types of player  SB3,
> Transporter, Radiop and Touch.  You are limiting to Touch (Radio doesn;t
> have enough memory) when not running mini LMS.
> 2. FF/REW controls are done by the server ie. LMS or mysb.com not by the
> player.  If done by player then time estimation has to be done by player
> and then communicated to server - lots of new work.
> 3. Sync will not be possible if done on a per player basis.

No problem if it works across the whole Squeezebox line, and sync is
necessary for me.
And I always run LMS so the need for a server is not an issue for me.
But, as TuneIn radio is the internet radio player for the SBoxes today,
and is available for some other platforms with this functionality, I
thought maybe they (tunein) could be talked into making a LMS compatible
version. Maybe that is a lot of work for them and the SBox line is a
dead market with no expected revenues.
If someone comes up with this as a plugin I'm all for it.


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