Something to note on Windows if you are using Microsoft Security
Essentials (MSE).  With the recent downtime, MIP was manually
fingerprinting an album of 12 tracks, but not making any headway for
30mins or so.  I then stopped MIP and added the mipcore.exe as an
excluded process in MSE, mipcore file is found under; C:\Program Files
(x86)\MusicIP\MusicIP Mixer

Then restarted MIP and it shot through the files and analysed a track
every 30secs, cant guarantee it will make any difference but something
to try if you are stuck. - ** Spicefly SugarCube ** - A hassle free acoustic
journey through your music library using MusicIP.  Plus the finest
MusicIP installation guides, enhanced MIP Interface and SpyGlass MIP the
Windows Automated MusicIP Headless Installer.
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