gruntwolla wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I've been doing a bit of research on the Olive One, and maybe
> I'm being naive, but this product looks like it could be everything the
> Squeezebox should have evovved into. Has anyone else here had a good
> look at their website, and if so what are the potential negatives, if
> any?

I have FIRST AND experience with Olive products and Olive as a company.
DO you know they refuse to have a working phone number to the public. I
over $1,000 on the 03HD media server and they would only help me via
slow email. That's not the bad part...their service SUCKS !!!

I signed up for the Olive One in June 2013. First it was a $50 coupon,
then $100, then $150 now $25.00 They are 8 MONTHS behind. They
supposedly are making
terrific changes to the Olive One. I would live to have one. But how
could they call the One a audiophile product when they want you to hook
$200 speaker DIRECTLY to its' tiny built0in amp. That is a stupid idea.
What it is now is a toy. I love toys, but with the current
configuration, its' no better than an advanced 
BoomBox. I cannot say it enough times, I am FURIOUS at Olive for the way
I have been treated, over the last 18 months.The server I paid $1100 for
, THEY ARE SELLING DIRECTLY ON Audiogon for $399.00 ( for the last 4

Their communications with people like me ,who gave them credit cards 7
months ago is criminal. I get an occasional e mail every 3 months, to
tell me they have changed the GUI yet again , and it will be 3 more
months. can get a $25.00 coupon discount.
What about the other 3 coupons for $150 ???

Someone with real business sense and customer relations experience
should take them over. 


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