bpa wrote: 
> That makes no sense because the "-t s2" command on SOX tell it to output
> PCM S16le without a WAV header (this would be "-t wav") but I'm beyond
> worrying about this setup.
> }

If you look at the original config file ( Message #25) you will see that
it is all the same output for PCM and Wav. SB1 takes PCM with nowave
header. In fact outside MP3, this is the only format it takes. However
the section that gets called is WAV and not PCM ( I am not sure why).
For MP3 , they pipe this to LAME for compression.

To create another plugin  you need to change "XPLAY" in every single
directory name, filename in all subdirectories and  any text XPLAY in
all files (e.g. pm, html, conf, xml, txt, png, ...) keeping the
upper/lower case exactly. So to create a plugin call Xplayv,   XPLAY
goes to XPLAYV, Xplay goes to Xplayv and xplay gores to xplayv.  When
done - you'll see a new File type and also use "xplayv://" in URLs.

Thanks! perfect instructions! Got it working on T430 ( I5) and an old T40 (
very old centrino dual core). What I found out is that is on T430 VLC takes
25% of CPU time. on T40 it take 100% of CPU time and the stream stops while
VLC is rebuffering ;) I was surprised how inefficient VLC is in playing HLS.
mplayer takes 1% of T40 to play the same stream in rtsp!! Then I google "VLC
100% CPU usage for HLS streams" and then you get the picture ;) I hope that
one day a better ffmpeg does the job without all the inefficiencies of VLC.
or it is time to upgrade my setup ;)
as always, thanks for wrapping this up!

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