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Question: Do you want to see the status bar on iPhone 5, 5s and iTouch
- Yes, show me the status bar! 
- No, I prefer to have the clean screen. 
- I don't care

pippin wrote: 
> Why not? Plenty of examples. 

It's a bad design practice, even if APple does it in some apps.

> And that's true for all the about 50 different things people want
> configurable? 

No. Only if you're considering using the menu bar.  If you don't want to
have an option, leave it hidden at all times. Which is why I cast a vote
for no menu. ;)

> I know, the problem is that would mean I'd have to re-implement the
> navigation logic.

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I consider this a
significant bug and one that doesn't affect any other app I've seen. 

I can't offer you a suggestion of how to address the issue from a code
perspective because I'e never seen your source, but if it involves a
complete app redesign then I think there are more issues here than I know
about. ;) With respect to the letters always being there, I'm not sure
what the issue is with that. The only instance where you would hide that
column entirely is when there are fewer entries than the height of the

You can, what you need to do is touch the bar and then move to the
letter you want, then you can get the exact letter you are trying to

I do all kinds of things to deal with that UI issue, but none of them are
very good workarounds.

The menu is defined by the server so as long as it's not loaded, iPeng
can't use it, it doesn't know how the menu looks like, it can change any
The menu will be different on each server you connect to and - even
worse - it's per-player so it can even change when you switch to a
different player. Too many variables.

I'm talking about the APP's menu at the bottom, not the player menu.  Not
sure why an app menu would would be saved to the server, so I'm assuming
you thought I was talking about the player menu.

*'Twisted Melon - IR remote solutions for Mac, Boxee Box, Windows and
Linux' (http://twistedmelon.com/shop/?show=bug1)*
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