garym wrote: 
> Hi all. I'm trying to add the URL for the new "This American Life"
> spinoff podcast called "Serial".   I can add the URL to my podcast list,
> and it shows up in podcast list in LMS and even allows me to pick one of
> four episodes. But it won't play in my squeezeboxes (shows up in active
> playlist, and shows movement for about 3 seconds then reverts back to 0
> on the counter with never any audio). One thing I notice is that the
> file type in the LMS playlist window is "0, mp3 Radio". When I play
> other podcasts, it is something like "64kbps CBR, mp3 Radio"  The URL
> is:
> I can play it from the web, etc., but just not from the squeezeboxes
> using LMS or   Can anyone else get this to work? If not, is
> there something odd about it. Seems to be an mp3 podcast as far as I can
> tell.
> Any thoughts?
> (p.s. I know I can download the mp3 files, but I prefer to simply stream
> them via podcast app as I do with many other podcasts, including "This
> American Life". )

Same problem for me with this podcast (which happens to be the number
one podcast in the world?).  I get failed to parse message.  All other
podcasts work fine.  i have both as well
as the longer one you used

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