Logitech isn't updating the official plug-ins,

Not true. If we hadn't updated plugins, then there wouldn't be any Napster or Rhapsody any more, no improved sound quality for the same, no lossless WiMP streaming, an even worse Spotify implementation etc.

For example, Spotify has a new API, but none of the Spotify
plug-ins are using the new API.

You might not have noticed (as you didn't see the code changes), but we do use Spotify's new API for some crucial features. When did you see complaints about tracks provided by Spotify not being playable for the last time? That was a massive problem before we moved to using the new API.

Using a new API doesn't automatically mean new features. Sometimes they even drop existing features. The latter would cause complaints, while small improvements like the few we did go un-seen.

How long will it take before Spotify
will remove support for the old API?

We don't know. Actually some are already deprecated and de-facto un-supported. That's why we no longer use them for critical functions.

Wouldn't it be nice to have a (new)
Spotify plug-in using the new "Spotify Connect" API?

Why? Would it automatically be a better implementation? No. Would it automatically be more future-proof? Not sure. Spotify had APIs for add-ons they had introduced after the metadata API was considered "dead". Yet they have completely dropped them, while leaving the old metadata API in place.

Life is more complicated than "new is better".


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