bpa wrote: 
> Calm stations can be found using LMS Radio "Search" but it is basic
> playing - no metadata ( images etc.)
> Calm use a proprietary API and AFAIK so not as simple as add a password.
> A full plugin is needed to get full features and metadata.
> That said there is a Kodi Calm plugin which seems to have figured parts
> of the API but Kodi is nothing like LMS and written in Python- so
> nothing can be salvaged except knowledge.Thanks for clarifying things bpa. 
> Seems like a less-than-ideal
workaround, but I'm grateful for you pointing me in the right direction.
Had a feeling it would need a plugin of some sort. I'm on the
subscription model with Calm and even using vTuner with my Yamaha AV
(both are recommended 'paths'/pairings) there's no album art due to a
limitation with vTuner. Bah! 

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Kettering, UK
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