left channel wrote: 
> I agree with your rant 100% :-)  except for this: as I'm sure you know,
> with the 'edo app'
> (https://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?94512-Announce-Enhanced-Digital-Output-app-USB-Dac-and-192k-Digital-Ouput)
> a Squeezebox Touch can stream 24/192 tracks via the USB port to an
> external DAC.

That's what I said ;)

On one system we do exactly that to pass a 24/96 bitstream through a
Touch to a tubed output stage DAC.  Digital output only in the EDO

The Touch can certainly handle 24 bits.  But the Touch's analog output
stage can not compete with a tubed DAC output stage.

Once 24-bit media became mainstream, I find we only spin our vinyl on
Sundays anymore.  It is that close, but the LMS is 1000x more

I know Sonos is a more plug-and-play all-in-one solution.  But the
Squeezebox is worth the small extra effort.  

Even our Chromecast soundbar can handle 24-bit streams.  There is no
excuse in late 2018 for lacking 24-bit audio capability.

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