d6jg wrote: 
> 1 - you would connect the USB drive to the Pi (NB you may need a powered
> USH hub depending on its power draw). You wouldn't need to remove it to
> put new music on. Instead you would configure piCorePlayer with Samba
> which then will expose the USB drive as a network share.
> 2 & 3 are really the same - a NAS. To get the best of a NAS you really
> need it always on but you can power it off if needed via a web
> interface. Its easy to point piCorePlayer at the music folder on a NAS.
> I have 2 LMS set ups in different locations. In each case my music is
> stored on a NAS. Using a VPN between the 2 sites updates on NAS1 (home)
> are automatically written to NAS2 (remote office) on schedule overnight
> but of course I need to leave them both switched on for this to work.
> The 2 x NAS are both QNAPs and the synchronisation software is built in.
> The VPN needs a highish end router at both locations.

Thank you, this is exactly the feedback I was looking for! Yes, forgot
to mention that the USB drive would be up in the loft with the modem,
router and the Pi. Samba was the key that I was unaware of (no Pi
experience, soon to change). #1 was my preferred.

With no VPN, I can just use thumbdrives, dropbox, etc and use the PC to
transfer any new files from locations #1 to #2 and rescan. The second
location is more of a "just play music/news, etc" and 90% of the time
it's just streaming internet stations.

Thank you again,

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