madpad wrote: 
> Hey Joe
> Great post and even better Blog, with such detailed repair instructions.
> I also own several Squeezbox 3 (Classic) devices. I now have a problem
> with one of them. After a few hours of just being on standby the display
> turns off, and it won't react on any command until I unplug the power
> and plug it in again. After that, it runs for antoher few hours
> (sometimes even 24 hours..) but not much longer. I already replaced the
> power supply but it did not help, stil the same. I even reset the whole
> Slim, and today I tried now the Xilinx reset and hope this helps, but if
> not, any other ideas what it could be, that it just goes dark after some
> hours?
> Best regards.
> Patrick

Hi Patrick,

okay, and you are sure that it no longer reacts? It's not just the
display that goes dark? Does playback cut off in the middle of playing?
Because it's a huge difference between a SB that crashes and one that
fails to power its display whereas anything else is fine.
The display power circuitry might have issues similar to the Boom.
However, the fix that I have found for the Boom circuitry does not work
properly in the Classic. I never had any Classic with this sort of
failure though, so there are no advice yet.

Best regards,

PN me if your Boom / Classic / Transporter display has issues!

LMS 7.9.0 on Windows Server 2012
1x Squezeebox Classic SB2
8x Squeezebox Classic SB3 (3 waiting for repair)
8x Squeezebox Boom (one dead, one waiting for repair)
1x Transporter
2x Controller (one waiting for repair)
3x Touch (1 dead, 1 waiting for repair)
2x Radio (1 dead)
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