Paul Webster wrote: 
> ....People who come here (to this particular forum) are almost certainly
> the ones who, when they managed to get hold of the UE radio, tried to
> switch it back to support a local LMS. A switch which Logitech initially
> said was not possible and then updated firmware to make it possible and
> officially endorsed it.....
> Anyway - I remain delighted that it keeps working and that there is a
> very supportive and dedicated handful of people that not only add things
> and fix things but also provide great support here.

That describes me very well. I stumbled across the UE Radio, probably
when it was being closed out. I had no knowledge of the history behind
it, but it looked interesting. I used it with the stock firmware for a
week before upgrading it to the Squeezebox Radio firmware. After reading
about what was possible with the Squeezebox firmware, I couldn't think
of any reason not to go that route.

Not long after I started using LMS, I forgot about the Radio, as I was
strictly using software players. I've recently rediscovered the Radio
and put it back into use. It's a very welcome addition to the home audio
system that has evolved over the past five years. But, good as it is,
LMS is much more important to me.

I agree that Logitech probably blundered when they abandoned the
Squeezebox hardware platform, but I'm very grateful that they've allowed
LMS development to continue, and supported it to some extent. I can't
help wondering how much longer that will continue, and if the user
community will find a way to keep going when and this
forum shut down.

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