toolapcblack wrote: 
> i maybe out of my debt at this point here is what i find (will i need
> linux to get into those directories?)

Not sure what you mean by "linux" - to my way of thinking using yum is
part of "Linux".

If you mean command line stuff - no.  You can move and rename the
custom-convert.conf file using a GUI file-manager/file explorer (not
sure what it is called on RedHat) .  The only technical but will be
making sure ownership & permissions of the custom-convert.conf file is
the same as other files in the directory. 

>From your list of directories, I think look into
"*/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/*" and see if there files convert.conf and
types.conf in that directory.  If so copy the custom-convert.conf into
that directory. 

If there is no GUI (possibly because it is a server)  then I can give
the necessary commands once confirmed /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/ is
the right directory

e.g. from a shell prompt do the following command "ls -l "  - this is
using lowercase letter ell - not digit 1 also not vertical bar.

*cd /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/
ls -l *.conf

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