mherger wrote: 
> > This looks familiar to me:
> >
> You're posting too many references to other threads... that thread you 
> link here is pointing to yet another one, which in turn would link back 
> to yours... Maybe you should be more specific.
> -- 
> Michael

You're right Michael. The thing is I don't know what to analyze further.
Today I again tried a 'clear librabry and rescan everything' with a
recent LMS build. 
The scan seems to freeze/stop after the first to steps:

Discovering files/directories: /srv/data/music   (37104 of 37104)  
Complete  00:00:13
Scanning new music files: /srv/data/music   (33169 of 33169)   Complete 

Latest entry in scanner.log:
[19-11-11 10:14:59.8102] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (454)
Rescanning changed audio files (0)

Latest entry in server.log
[19-11-11 08:51:14.4117] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::__ANON__ (454)
Rescanning changed audio files (0)

And that's about it, nothing more is happening. The only solution is to
send a kill -9 to all LMS processes, do a manual restart of LMS 
and start a scan via 'look for new and changed media files', which works

Any suggestions?

*Living Room:* HifiBerry DAC+ Pro & piCorePlayer
*Attic:* HifiBerry DAC+ RCA & piCorePlayer
*Kitchen:* SB Radio
*Other rooms:* 4x SB Radio
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