pkfox wrote: 
> I've put a revised version of the documenter on my Dropbox - the only
> major difference in this version is you have the option to exclude the
> album artwork which reduces the file file size massively. To give you an
> idea of the difference artwork makes my collection with artwork produced
> a file of 27mb and without it is 1.3mb.
> Once you've downloaded the zip file unzip it into it's own folder and
> try it out ( double click on the .exe file ). 
> When the form appears 
> Enter your name in the textbox at the top of the form this will appear
> on the first page of the pdf and select a folder for your output file
> don't try to add a filename this is generated automatically.
> Click  on the Scan For LMS Servers button  ( it used to do this
> automatically ) and wait until your server details appear on the form. 
> Then click Scan Music Library and watch the checkboxes on the right of
> the form being checked one at a time.
> Once all of the checkboxes are checked
> Check or uncheck add album art then click the Generate Pdf button and
> watch the progress.
> It can take some time to scan your network for a server but it will find
> it if there is one. 
> Let me know how you get on.

Many thanks for this! It's very useful. I tried to run it from Linux,
using Wine and/or Mono. No success, but that's hardly surprising. It's
well worth the time it takes to boot to Windows.

Would you consider an option to list only albums (album artist and album
title) without individual tracks?

LMS 8 nightly; 3 Squeezelite players connected by powerline ethernet; 5
wireless players connected via Airplay Bridge; 1 SqueezeAmp player
no high-end or esoteric audio gear
1 Squeezebox Radio (upgraded UE Smart Radio) now mostly retired
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