These Wi-Fi boards are harder to get. At eBay, I found two offerings
which are both from China. Might be problematic but I'm not sure.
This the link to one of them:
AR2413 is the chip that needs to be on the card because it's the only
one the Squeezebox firmware supports. It is also important that you use
the MiniPCI variant, avoid the ones for  MiniPCI-e / MiniPCI-x and/or
"half size". They are incompatible. There are only very few different
models with AR2413 and classic MiniPCI. Compared to the PC world,
MiniPCI is the analogy of PCI whereas MiniPCI-e or -x is for PCI-express
so it's more modern and electrically a different design. I think that
MiniPCI Wi-Fi boards may have been used in older notebooks, too. So it's
rather generic, not something specifically designed for Squeezeboxes.
I have only ever seen three different ones that fit. Sorry, could only
find two in my collection right now:


A peek under the hood reveals that the PCB layout is mostly identical in
both. Main differences are in the power supply sections. The blue one
features a useful silk screen whereas the green one seems to be from
Apple :rolleyes:


A closeup of the chip in question:


Which also sorts out the myth about AR2431 and AR2413. It's clearly
AR2413 as we can see here. I confused this myself in my blog and just
went and corrected it. Pity! But it really needs to pop the shields and
look closely.

I guess the stickers on the backof the cards are more helpful than what
is in the front-side silk screen for finding anything similar on the
market. I remember purchasing a pack of 10 of these blue cards for
around 20 EUR. But that was years ago.
For comparison, here is a MiniPCI-x half-length card that _won't_fit_
even if the chip used is the same:


The size of these cards is only about 1/3 to 1/4 of the one we need, and
the card-edge connector is totally different.
If you can get a hold of the blue model, that's definitely the newer one
and a better design in my opinion. For instance, it does not need that
hefty voltage regulator that the old card has which spreads a lot of
heat, i.e. is wasting energy.

Hope this helped a bit. Please keep us informed how your story goes on.
Thanks! :D

|Filename: AR2413.jpg                                               |

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