Newbie here.  Please be gentle.

The LMS family of media streaming was suggested to me by someone with
years of experience with it.  However, he is unable to help.  There have
been so many new or discontinued products in this arena and there is so
much "jargon" that I can't seem to get out of a circular loop.

My experience is with Windows, (and before that DOS from V2 to V6).  No
experience with 'nix variants except for some highly scripted and
overlayed products such as routers or firewalls.  

I ran the LMS installer on Windows 10 and followed up with soft-squeeze
which would not connect.  The instructions to edit some variables did
not seem to apply to Windows 10 as I could not find the referenced files
in Users\user-name\etc.  Then I saw this in the help:

SoftSqueeze emulates Squeezebox and Transporter on Windows, Mac OSX and
Unix Computers.

Since Server 7.4 SoftSqueeze is replaced by SqueezePlay

Meanwhile SqueezePlay isn't shipped the the standard installation

There are some Squeeze Software Emulations out there eg. the ones that
Ralph Irving maintains.

Name:   Description:    Link to our Forum:
Jivelite        Graphical Frontend without Playerfunctionality. Link
Squeezelite     Commandline Player without Frontend.    Link
SqueezePlay     Graphical Frontend with Playerfunctionality.    Windows

which seems to say that soft-squeeze will not work with the current
version download.  

Is there anywhere I can go to find a step by step to make LMS work with
just the standard speakers on the pc it is installed on as a first step?
Then further instructions on how to make it work over the network to
speakers on other systems, and finally to make it work on such as Yamaha

Thanks for any assistance.

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