Questions.  If you have those button streams programmed (good!) and
streaming and you then stream something to it from LMS via, eg, Airplay,
what happens?  Does the LMS first have to positively connect to the
device, and thus override the locally playing stream?  And what happens
if then you press a device-based stream button?  Does that simply
override the incoming LMS data?  Or is a a question of menu-selection to
switch the device from one source to another?  (If that all makes sense
- it's "ease of use" for non-experts that's a big issue here....)

LMS 8.2.1 - 1628023316 
Control: Web GUI; sometimes OrangeSqueeze on Android phones / pads

Machines / devices are in France, in two locations.
a) Livebox 4
Internal HDD (FLAC music; mp3 voice), LAN Desktop
3 x Touch - 1 wireless, 2 LAN. (8.0.1-r16855)
2 x SB Radios [wireless] (8.0.1-r16855)
2 x SqueezeAmps

b) Freebox
External SSD, WiFi Laptop
1 x Touch LAN (Firmware:7.8.0-r16754)
2 x SB Radios, Wireless (7.7.3-r16676)
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