tusken wrote: 
> ....
> After a kitchen extension, I would like to introduce some networked
> audio into the kitchen, but this will need to consist of essentially one
> smart speaker type device. Certainly only a one box solution.
> Forgive me, but I really don’t want to build a custom made device.
> Really I want an updated version of the boom, which doesn’t exist!
> ....
> Worst case scenario, would one of the more intelligent smart speakers be
> able to at least see the upnp server that vortexbox has, in addition to
> LMS? So I can at least browse my music library that way?
> ....

I'm trying to "read between the lines" and I may be missing something or
misinterpreting what you've said. I've trimmed the above quote in an
attempt to focus on your specifications.

It appears to me that you want a one-piece device that is plug-and-play,
other than some configuration on the device itself, and which includes a
control interface that will allow you browse your library. Additionally,
you do not want to upgrade your Vortexbox or the LMS running on it. I'm
guessing that you would prefer not to have to do anything that requires
you to use the command line.

If that is essentially correct, I think your best and perhaps only
option is to acquire another used Boom, or perhaps, if stereo is not
important in the kitchen, a used Radio.

The problem with used equipment is that you don't know how long it will
continue to work. At this point, the same is true of an outdated version
of LMS. If you are only playing music from your local collection, you
might be able to continue doing that indefinitely. If you use online
sources, it is quite possible that they will stop working with older
versions of LMS.

All of this is strictly my opinion, of course, and we can hope that
someone will be able to provide better advice. But so far, I haven't
seen any suggestions that attempt to meet all your requirements.

Some good options have been suggested, such as a DAC32 connected to a
speaker, but that's not a one-piece device, and it does not include a
control interface. If you are willing to use your phone or a tablet as a
controller, many more options are available. The Airplay speaker that
someone suggested, for instance, could be used with the Airplay Bridge
plugin installed in LMS. The Airplay Bridge even allows Airplay devices
to be synchronized with other players, which the UPNP Bridge does not.

My suggestion is that you prioritize your wants and needs. Which of the
items on your checklist are most important? Which ones would be be
willing to consider doing without? With a little compromise you might
find there are more options. If you don't feel you can compromise on any
of those points, your choices may be limited to used Squeezebox

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.
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