
thanks, glad you liked it.

In thinking about how to structure it I was mainly driven by the sorts
of questions that come up on the Beginners forum, where its obvious
that quite a few people struggle right at the beginning to get their
heads round everything.  I know I did!

I was also trying to avoid duplicating the FAQ, for two reasons: 

1 - we've already got one!

2 - FAQs are only useful once you've formulated the Q's in your head

As for the System working immediately out of the box... well, we all
know it doesn't, not because the products aren't great but because
there is just so much that people are likely to have to do something
with (ripping, tagging, wireless networks...).  Its ok if you already
know 90% of that stuff, but as you can see from a visit to the
Beginners forum, not everyone does.

I also take the point about maybe moving more off to sub pages: the
balance here is that

1 - if you push everyting off somewhere else then the main page becomes
just a list of links and is unreadable

2 - but if you keep too much in, the main page itself becomes
overwhelming (and harder to maintain).

I don't claim to have necessarily got this right first time...

Anyway, thanks again for the feedback, I'm hoping that some of the
community will feel inspired to fill in some of the many blanks...


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