Listener wrote:
On the squeezebok remote press repeat until it says 'repeat off'
on the player. I think softsqueeze also has a repeat button.

Thanks.  Softsqueeze has a repeat button and it works as you described.
After I posted my previous message, I poked around and found that I
could turn off repeating from the Softsqueeze Settings menu too.

Not a problem.

---- album title
I've been experimenting with Browse Artist again.  A few discoveries:
The Disk # tags get appended to the album name
as "(Disk 1 of 5)" for example. And if I tag two different performances
of Beethoven's third symphony with just the words "Beethoven: Symphony
3" the movements of the two different performnces will be jumbled
together when I select the album name.

This is becuase slimserver does not know what order to play the songs.
It will play them in order of the track flags so...
1. from verion a
1. from bersion b
2. from version a
2. from version b

And if the album info is two
long to fit on the SB screen, I have to wait for it to start scrolling
and scroll to the end of the album title before I make a selection. This gets to be very slow and painful if you have to go through a long

1. decrease the 'scroll pause' time which is defaul at 3.6 sec *
2. use smaller text on the display (press the size button)
3. put the important info at the start of the title

* in the web interface --> player settings --> display tab --> scroll pause --> change the values to suit you (I use 1 second)

Based on what I know now, I should remove the Composer name to keep
things short and allow me to jump into the list by typing the firts
letter of the album name. (type "S" for symphony on the remote.) I
should appreviate the work name (Sym. rather than Symphony.) I should
put some conductor info in the album title so that I can select the
right performance. For example, I might tag one performance as "Sym. 3
- Savall" and another as "Sym. 3 - Szell".    And I should remove the
disk number tags unless they are really meaningful. (Or maybe there is
a server/player option to control  what is displayed with the album

There is a 'show artist with albums' option (web interface --> server settings --> formatting --> show artist with alobums). But I am not sure if this shows the composer or not?

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