> The issues with SqueezeNetwork are another story.
>   Only Slim knows how scalable it is.  Obviously
> it's costing money - servers aren't free, nor is
> bandwidth!  The breaking point will come when they
> are forced to start charging for the service.  Now
> I like SqueezeNetwork, but if that were to happen
> I'd just get all my Internet radio through
> SlimServer.  I suspect a lot of others might as
> well.  Personally, I don't see much value in
> moving SqueezeNetwork functionality to the
> Squeezebox firmware, even if it keeps the service
> free, since I can just do this in SlimServer.  I'd
> rather not pay for increased Squeezebox processor
> power just for that.

I don't really use SqueezeNetwork much (or even Internet radio much,
though I'm starting to more thanks to the Last.FM plugin). However, I
wouldn't be surprised if the goal is to make it something a lot more
compelling than it is now.... Of course, to the target user it's quite
compelling as is.

> But this is balanced out by what's coming in
> SlimServer 7.0.  SlimServer is becoming so
> complex, low power servers like NAS devices are
> having difficulty running it.  7.0 aims to break
> up SlimServer into modules.  While desktop and
> laptop PCs have immense resources to run
> SlimServer and should handle SlimServer 7.0
> without much difficulty, the problem arises when
> these low-power servers try to tackle it.  So
> adding complexity to SlimServer and reducing or
> maintaining the same complexity in the Squeezebox
> may be reaching its limits.

Then we can run Slimserver on Beowulf clusters of small NAS devices!!!!

> Hopefully you don't see my response as
> confrontational.  It's interesting to speculate on
> future trends as it relates to our favourite toy.  :-)

quite :)
Jack Coates At Monkeynoodle Dot Org: It's A Scientific Venture!
"I spent all me tin with the ladies drinking gin, so across the Western
ocean I must wander" - traditional

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