Scott F. Wrote: 
> I just hope I can get people to talk about it (since it looks like one
> HUGE money grab to me).

I can't really see anyone wanting to talk about it, especially if the
discussion involves AllOfMP3. There have been two attempts to shut it
down and neither appear to have succeeded. 

>From AllOfMP3's point of view, I'd think it would be great if it turns
out that they have done no wrong, except discover a loophole in Russian
law that they only found out about after their original business model.
I'm pretty sure when it first started out that there was not an English
webpage - Russian only. That was added later. It would sure make me
laugh if it is the case that they do have a license, pay royalties
(however small they may be as long as that were what were originally
agreed when they were licensed by ROMS - the relevant Russian body in
such matters), and are not breaking any laws. I mean - what's going to
happen? I'll be looking forward to the day when the RIAA turn their
bully boy tactics away from single-parent Texas mums, with internet
savvy teenage daughters that couldn't possibly afford to pay the sums
they are asking for, having downloaded mp3's and re-aim them at a few
extremely pissed-off Audiophiles. They can start by telling me what
they are going to do to me if I were to download another copy of
Brothers In Arms (having already paid twice) to replace the CD copy
that no longer works due to a manufacturing fault and age.
After all, I'm pretty sure that printed on the back cover of my
original accompanying CD booklet, it says something to the effect that
properly cared for, the disk will provide a **LIFETIME** of listening
pleasure. Unless actually playing it can be classified as mistreatment,
I kept my side of the bargain. ;-)

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